Green Ash Decor 4oz Travel Tin Candle - Au Natural: Unscented

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4 oz tin Canadian Beeswax blended with Coconut Wax makes the perfect, slow burning candle!  Hand-crafted Wooden Wicks are made from fruit trees sourced in North America from FSC-Certified Mills. When burned, they provide a tantalizing crackling sound while producing little carbon buildup, debris, and soot. These candles burn cleanly for approximately 15-17 hours.

  • Au Natural- Unscented, enjoy the soft honey scent that the beeswax provides! 

In a world of chemical-laden products, finding truly natural and safe home decor can be challenging. Ontario business Green Ash Decor makes their candles with Canadian beeswax, coconut wax and 100% essential oils, ensuring a pure and clean burn. 


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