Below are some common questions customers of Midoco Art & Office Supplies might have. If your question isn't answered here, please email:
We will respond to emails usually within a few hours, but no more than a day should pass without a reply. Please send an email to and reference your order number, if you have one
You can be notified when an out of stock item (one listed as "Coming Soon" is back in stock by clicking the Notify Me and entering your email address there. You'll be the first to find out when that item comes back in stock!
You can also email or call one of the stores and let us know what it is you're looking for-- there's a chance one of our other stores has it or we can suggest a substitute.
There sure are! We have a large inventory of products.
Over 20,000 + items. Many of which may be seasonal, specialty, or just haven't made it onto the website yet. These
include large and oversized items that would be difficult to ship. Send an email to if you don't see what you're looking for.
These items are available only in store but we'd still like to let you know that we carry them. Unfortunately, no, they are not free. Because they are too large, heavy, or fragile, we can't ship them. Kindly send an email to or give one of our locations for more information.
Our webpage actually shows the total stock quantity of ALL 3 Midoco locations. We make several trips between the stores during the week moving stock around as needed for both online and in-store pickups. Contact your local store if you'd like to be sure of their specific inventory quantity please! We're happy to bring stock to your local store for in-store pickup.