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item number 54640
The Full Moon Yearbook, combines Native American culture, Medieval Celtic Culture and East Asian culture in an internationally-focused book celebrating the power of the full moon. Over thirteen chapters, the names and mythology associated with each full moon are explored, as well as corresponding crystals, rituals, and yoga practices to make engaging with the energy of the full moon natural and fun.With that international perspective, lunar festivals and customs from around the world and practical makes and recipes to help celebrate the full moon are explored in this illustrated guide. The mythology and stories behind the names various cultures worldwide have given each full moon - inlcuding the mysterious Blue Moon - are explored, showing how important the full moon has been throughout history to humankind.Full of pratical tips and tricks for explroing the power of the full moon, The Full Moon Yearbook is perfect for anyone who has ever felt a pull towards living in harmony with the moon, and gives plenty of tips and tricks for living a lunar inspired life.144 pagesPublisher: David & Charles Nov. 28 2023
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